Later, when my party is stronger, I deal with the By this time I have picked up enough information in Dharmon and Blosk and elswhere about the Scimitar. I now concentrate on the Major Quests (particularly the Orb and the Demonslayer) completing side quests like Greymould Salve for Hathwisa, Herbs for Ether, the The Orb of Thralni is actually fairly easy. The only prerequisites are a boat, which can be bought in After getting the Orb I like to visit Erika and clear out the The Demonslayer is a bit more difficult. in Almaria) then go to the Tower of Magi to top up my spells.

He is a good addition to a level 1 party because he is a relatively good fighter level 3. WALKTHROUGH. I make sure that I have cleared out the caves to the north of By this time I have a pretty awsome party: Andrew and my original mage have already topped out at level 40 and Theresa and Sabrina are very potent at around level 30.

The order in which I complete these quests is dictated by the reward, which (apart from coins and experience points which are rather useless at this stage) is in each case two L3 spells: Arcane Summons and Divine Warrior (Grah-Hoth), Arcane Shield and Divine Restoration (Exit to Surface), Arcane Blow and Divine Host (Hawthorne).

I prefer to have mine at the back (priest or wizard). Here is a quick run through of the steps needed to kill Adze-Haakai and get the Onyx Sceptre: read the tome on the NW of the Now is the time to finish off all uncompleted side quests and check the known lands for missed quests. Right from the start you can pick up enough loot to sell. The only official storage area in this game is in the south of When creating a party I always use custom built characters. You can use either theirs or mine. She will join you if you have joined the Scimitar.

She is a really tough fighter but low on tool use.

Andrew works in the shipyard and will join you if you have sufficient reputation (min. Andrew is standing at the bottom of the hill to greet you. There are those who wish to struggle against this injustice, who wish to return to the surface world and to fight against tyranny. Instead I have compiled a few notes on the strategy I used in one walkthrough. I however tend to concentrate on spell casting abilities and leave Intelligence to be trained later. There is a group of Goblins camping east of Duvno. Warrick, who is sitting at the table in the dining hall, will give you the quest to find Anastasia. Having picked up your reward from Captain Johnson you can explore the area to the north. You start off just after being teleported to Fort Avernum. If you sell something when you already have the maximum the item disappears of your inventory, but you are no richer.

Arrival Caves Quest: Escape the Arrival Caves .

By the time your party is strong enough to kill the Drake your priest is probably better than her. They are not very strong but do not have much loot. He is a good fighter, has a high tool use and the untrainable skill "resistance 1". Luck is a very important "Skill" because it affects many secodnary skills and also contributes to random encounters. You have been banished to the underworld, never to see the light of day again. Although all hints necessary for completing the quests are buried in the After getting Royal Clearance from Mayor Evelyn in

This has the advantage that my spell casters start off knowing lots of spells and still have a lot of Spell Points = 4*(Intelligence + Mage + Priest). I always use custom built characters with the standard setup of two warriors (one principally mêlée the other with pole weapon skill), a wizard (with a few priest spells) and a priest who has a few mage spells. Then into the Great Cave where I can visit the Castle, Gnass, Fort Saffron, Blosk and the other towns, but I leave What you do now depends on your strategy. This does not do what you would expect on Windows (give you further options,) but moves you exactly one space in the given direction. Also pick up everything, that might be useful or can be sold. You have been sentenced to life imprisonment in the caverns, eventually to die there, forgotten and unmourned.

Now I can explore most of the known lands in Avernum. In particular Royce in Blosk has suggested asking Calder in Bargha about them. If you ask to buy healing from a healer he/she will pay 60% of the face value of everything on your inventory, independent of your bartering skill or reputation. I have decided to forgo writing a full Walkthrough. An alternative is to navigate with the number pad, but this is not exactly easy as the interpretation of the key movements in this game is rather unconventional. But first, they need a hero, they need inspiration, and, most of all, they need someone who can find an escape route. Outside the walls in the SE corner are two cave rats which you can kill.

In this case it is probably better to go straight in through the main gate, killing all bandits around the living quarters.

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