We are not Anonymous – we represent the ideals of Anonymous. We do not forget. It also says WE do not forgive… lukeywes isn’t the representative of anonymous… As a collective, anonymous will never forgive or forget…hi scott… i was wondering if youve done a lot of research on this topic?You guys all realize that I have a list of all of your email addresses? More interestingly, Anonymous has also been responsible for raids, invasions, activism, protests, and public defamation, via both legal and illegal means, with both good and malevolent intentions.The idea of remaining anonymous on the Internet has been a topic of debate for nearly two decades, but in recent years, imageboards like 4chan and Futaba 2chan alongside wikis and forums like Encyclopedia Dramatica have proven themselves breeding grounds for users with a dangerous sense of unity and ability to willingness to make a difference in the world around them. Abuse over the internet is cowardess and unfair. Unfortunately, some members of Anonymous decided to take it upon them to take criminal action in the form of denial of service attacks on Scientology owned sites.

They stand up for stuff they really don’t have any opinion or feelings on but go along with it because its popular internet culture. For one, Anonymous was credited with an Luckily, Anonymous has shown that power in numbers does not necessarily mean a digital Ku Klux Klan. (Such as the Oprah troll from ‘Anonymous’. We have an extensive product line which covers any type of anonimity product you are looking for such anonymous surfing, anonymous hosting, anonymous email and many more. Today’s biggest issues are really the same as ever and that is knowledge.

Truth, freedom and the removal of censorship. Your mission is pointless and if you feel the need to continue, do it elsewhere, and not where it hits someone deep insideAnonymous is just a mixture of newgrounds kids, 13 year old youtube atheists, or adults that act like they are 13 year old youtube atheists, who take ideas from Fight Club and reenact their nerdy anarchist dreams on the internet because they are too cowardly to be as rude and horrible in real life. When I heard of friends doing their part to wreck Ahmadinejad’s web infrastructure, I was interested to say the least. If protests and public awareness are what these people are all about, even better. That we’re anarchists, kids, crazy film-buffs that saw one too many superhero movies. Many are offened. Most of what I see is creepily dark humor mixed with a lot of pornography, profanity, and an occasional glint of useful, interesting, or heartwarming info. Expect us.”No longer just an adjective in the English language, “Anonymous” is now also used to refer the countless members of Internet subculture who choose to protect their identities from the world. Our masks are our national identity. Anonymous is a symbol, like the flag a country flies. Cases include mass [vulgar] posting on sites such as the anti-profanity “No Cussing Club” and But there is great power in numbers. The truth is, we are all these things. Even DDoSers can face years in prison, and for what? I do not find anything remotely related to an upscale 8th grade joke and it is not funny. That we’re anarchists, kids, crazy film-buffs that saw one too … With the leakage of your latest propaganda video into mainstream circulation, the extent of your malign influence over t… Tell me, what have you done to change the world?Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: In addition to terrorizing Sarah Palin, Anonymous has done some good in bringing awareness to the common man regarding topic the media might otherwise glance over. From the net’s ubiquitous lolcats that can has cheezburger or Rick Astley at the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, the mass of nameless, faceless computer users known collectively as Anonymous are responsible for these social phenomenon.
Anonymous representative of Anonymous, in a hacktivist Message to Scientology(21 January 2000) Hello, leaders of Scientology. Even if it is a waste to see such mass amounts of people passionate about pranking the rest of the world, it is good to know that there are ways for people out there to make a difference because others agree with their ideals. That kind of power and freedom is empowering.Since joining this course, I have done a fair bit of lurking around Anonymous safe havens. have the power to do something about it. With worldwide over 600,000 subscribers and more then 20,000 emails sent daily from our anonymous servers, we are the worlds leading anonymous email provider. The flag is the symbol of the country. If lolcats are what thousands and thousands of users are passionate about, I can’t complain.

Over the years, we have been watching you.

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