A Apogen defende, por exemplo, a flexibilização do actual preço de referência, que considera “muito redutor para as empresas que pretendem investir no lançamento de moléculas menos rentáveis”.João Félix considera que “o nosso país é um dos melhores exemplos de implementação dos medicamentos genéricos na Europa”, mas que é necessário prudência para garantir a continuação do êxito.Lisboa, sete de Fevereiro de dois mil e cinco – “A indústria farmacêutica de genéricos está a tornar-se a principal fornecedora de medicamentos dos cidadãos europeus”, afirmou o Director-Geral da EGA (European Generic Medicines Association) num encontro anual realizado em Londres. Portuguese pronunciation is known as very difficult. Then, you learnt how to do it and now it’s piece of cake. A Portuguese FluentU program is currently in development, so check back soon for an authentic, immersive experience. Great! Listen to the audio below to check and practice the pronunciation of these Portuguese words. One of the reasons why people think that the Portuguese swallow the words when they speak, and say that Portuguese pronunciation is weird, is because they don’t know this rule.In fact, they do swallow parts of words, but for a reason and we’ll learn why!In every language you have to stress the words in the right place, otherwise people won’t understand you. This rule is very important to get a Portuguese pronunciation just right.OK, so, shall we do some practice? Ah, by the way, let's thank her for her contribution.I think it’s not necessary to say Good luck to you... Lisboa, vinte e seis de Janeiro de dois mil e cinco – Os medicamentos genéricos contribuíram para uma poupança de mais de cento e trinta e cinco milhões de euros entre Janeiro e Dezembro de dois mil e quatro, tendo atingido no final do ano uma quota de mercado de nove vírgula oito por cento, nunca antes conseguida. You’ll be speaking Portuguese to the Portuguese, with a fantastic Portuguese pronunciation, like the Portuguese themselves! They frequently switch them since they think they have a similar pronunciation.Alguns lugares da cidade são perigosos para visitar à noite. @ 2009 - 2014 Experimenta Brasil Ensino de Idiomas LtdaRua Farme de Amoedo 135, Ipanema, Rio de Janeiro, RJ ,  22420-020, Brasil. CNPJ – 19.736.587/0001-20 For instance you have to double the vowel to say ‘têm’ [tay-eng] rather than ‘tem’ [teng].

Otherwise it is used instead of an accute accent to stress the words in a particular syllable (especially words ending in ...ência or ...ância).Hey! A Apogen defende abertura do mercado a empresas inovadoras.

Due to the etymology (or the origin) of the words, some words have to be spelt with a Ç but need to have the sound [sss].The A can be open and closed. Stress the word in the part in bold.Now try to read the same sentences without help. This is one of the main secrets to get a good Portuguese pronunciation.The best way to figure out how many syllables (or parts) there are in a word is imagining that we have to shout out loud that word at someone who is quite far from you, but in a way that is perceptible. It’s possible! Return to the Portuguese I Tutorial for more Portuguese (and mp3s)!

Simply select a language and press on the speaker button to listen to the pronunciation of the word. )It is quite common for the students to mix these words up. When before another consonant but ‘s’[ ...st] – costa, constante, costume, cesto, sistema.Having said that, it's time for a coffee. A Apogen defende a criação de condições que motivem a vinda de novas farmacêuticas para Portugal, “desde que estejam dispostas a trazer novas substâncias genéricas, de forma a alargar a diversidade da oferta a mais áreas terapêuticas”. Please don’t worry if you don't understand what you are reading. Normally the A is open at the beginning of a word, and closed at the end.The E can also be open and closed in sound. )Meu irmão mais velho ainda mora com meus pais. In this video, journalists from outside Brazil try to guess the right pronunciation of some tricky Portuguese words.The video, however, doesn’t actually show viewers the right way to pronounce them, as it was made for a Brazilian audience, so there was no need for that. What they actually do is, they silence the last part of the word after the stress, or they run that word together with the next one.And as you can see, that’s not that difficult after all.Imagine when you will start swallowing parts of the words yourself!

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