We ask that everyone focuses their energy and fill their minds with happy peaceful thoughts.We open tonight’s ritual with a beautiful song called Von den Elben [Of the Elves] by The coming of Spring is wonderful. Early rains fill the air with the sweet scent of promise and hope. Ostara was a fertility Goddess and a Goddess of female purity. Also, since each holiday represents such a wide variety of things, the Wheel of the Year is a guided tour of all the many different aspects and areas of magick.If you’d like to know more about all things Wicca, Why Didn’t My Spell Work? It’s basically the opposite of midsummer—this is the date on the calendar when daytime is shortest and nighttime is longest.Despite the cooler temperatures and lack of sunlight, this is actually an important holiday for Wiccans. The West gives us a seemingly endless source of water; ponds, lakes, streams, and the mighty oceans of the world that never seem to age, but continuously move across the world. Tonight we gather to share space with one another on this glorious day of complete balance.

Our theme is ‘seasons change and so do we’ as this holiday presents each and every one of us with a new opportunity to change our lives for the better. Feel free to comment or reach out to me directly if the need arises. Each would bring her a small gift or offering in exchange for her blessing in the coming year.

6 Things to Try When Magick Goes Wrong We seek guidance from the spirits of Air and listen patiently to the wind for their responses. Our ancestors would gather seeds from their crops in the late summer and fall, and carefully dry and preserve them for planting the following year. There is an endless need for doing more and using less, as the life of our planet depends on it. We shall not forget your protection in each seed we plant, each field we till, and each new life we usher into the world from our flocks and our own families. They are amazing.Long ago, when the world was less populated and the Gods and Goddesses walked free through the lands, humans would interact with different deities. Also as it is with most ancient ceremonies, there are no surviving documents on how, when, and where the celebrations would have taken place. We are entering into a space of uncertainty and ask ourselves ‘will be seeds sprout? She is the first warm spring winds, the birds that return, and the first buds on the trees. Great spirits of Water inspire us to always move ahead, and if the pathway before us becomes blocked, to find a way around, across, or through it. Usually Ostara falls on the 20th or 21st, but this year it happens on the 19th for all United States time zones, making it the earliest Spring arrival since 1896.To some people, the equinox is just another day, but in the pagan world, Ostara is significant because it’s the time when we celebrate balance in all things; including ourselves. In our modern world, many of us simply stop at our local store and pick up a few packages each spring; not really thinking about their value.Seeds are life waiting to be coaxed into food. It is like some cleanse of biblical proportions going on – just missing… If you are pagan and regularly practice sabbats or full moon rituals, I invite you to review the complete library of rituals and ceremonies at this Our complete magick archives can be accessed at this The Gypsy Thread site is a place where expression, investigation, interpretation, and opinion all collide. On one of those years, a young rabbit was preparing to make the great journey from his hole, deep in the woods, to the great meadow.

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