It was a nightmare which promised equality and justice, but which brought only bloodshed...Diamonds and Pearls is a documentary film which tells the story of Eminem’s extraordinary life and incredible musical career, via the use of the rarest footage, interviews with his closest friends,...ANVIL! Join actor, Ed Asner and Architect Richard Gage, AIA and Architects and E...ZERO: An Investigation into 9/11, has one central thesis - that the “I guess this thing is about having a small dick, and it’s horrible saying that because it’s true…. Can the brain live on af...Skulls are humanity's foremost symbol of death, and a powerful icon in the visual vocabularies of cultures all over the globe. Influence Film Club can help you with its documentary recommendations, free film club resources, and discussion guides online at the highest levels of ...Traditional history tells us that European settlers discovered America about the time of the Renaissance. official version of the events surrounding the attacks on 9/11 can not Originally as One Minute to Nine,...The Trouble with Atheism is an hour-long documentary on atheism, presented by Rod Liddle. The Pyramid Code is a documentary series of 5 parts that explores the pyramid fields and ancient temples in Egypt as well as ancient megalithic sites around the world looking for ...The Motor City has been declared dead more times than Rasputin.

Netflix Netflix.

J...Blind Spot is a documentary that establishes the inextricable link between the energy we use, the way we run our economy and the effect it has had on our environment.It takes as a starting poin...A short interesting documentary on the social effects of atheism and the repercussions that can come about due to the admission of being atheist in the United States. These so-called ‘objectum sexuals’ shy away from contact with other humans in favour of str...This is a film I made (The Author) in 2005 for the BBC. It aired on Channel 4 in December 2006.

Join the gang as they come together to share stories and bid a final farewell to Ryan and Zac.Amy Winehouse sadly joined the notourious 27 club on 23rd July 2011.

Both fans and critics alike ha...While we enjoy the sweet taste of chocolate, the reality is strikingly different for African children.

Norway Massacre: The Killer’s Mind examines the terrible events of that day.In 90 minutes of madness, 32-year-old Anders Behring Breivik killed 69 young pe...Directed by critically acclaimed documentary filmmaker Stacy Peralta and Executive Produced by NBA star Baron Davis and Silicon Valley entrepreneur Stephen Luczo, CRIPS AND BLOODS: MADE IN AMERICA ...Cannabis is the world's favourite drug, but also one of the least understood.

Dark Side of the Chew is a film that sees the director Andrew Nisker examine how the habit of chewing gum which has been around forever, impacts our culture, threatens our health, erodes our economic

With nicknames like “The Beast” and “The Hulk,” The Aryan Brotherhood are the most violent criminals behind bars....An insight into the world of the Russian Neo Nazi gangs.After having watched Penis Size Insecurity By Men, it's now time to move on to lesson two and have a look at womens insecurities: The Perfect Vagina.Fronted by Lisa Rogers, this documentary foc...This is a film I made (The Author) in 2005 for the BBC. In just six weeks, he murdered hundreds of inmates by ca...After having watched Penis Size Insecurity By Men, it's now time to move on to lesson two and have a look at womens insecurities: The Perfect Vagina.Fronted by Lisa Rogers, this documentary foc...Like many couples who have been together for six years and are in their late twenties, Emma Bishop and Ben Marshall are thinking of getting married. Explore the gun culture in America, from a police officer to a young mother.Across the United States, violent crime in prison is an everyday reality, with inmates routinely exposed to assault, riot, rape and murder.Anatomy of a Prison Murder examines the culture of ins...In the summer of 2005, a package arrived at the Hollywood offices of Highway 61 Entertainment from London with no return address. The documentary focuses on criticizing atheism, as well as science,...The number of faith schools in Britain is rising.

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