This is almost comedically bad.

A straight-to-DVD sequel to Dragonheart, without Dennis Quaid, Sean Connery or, well, virtually anyone involved in the original.

When Geoff (Chris Masterson), an orphaned stable boy, discovers Drake, the world's last living dragon, he realizes that his dream of becoming a knight in shining armor can now come true. The supporting cast includes Harry Van Gorkum (Gone In Sixty Seconds, Under Pressure), Matt Hickey (Maruya 2000), Henry O (Brokedown Palace, Romeo Must Die), and Ken Shorter (Persuasion).Dragonheart: A New Beginning is presented in the original 1.33:1 or full frame aspect ratio. But it's not like people were clamoring for a DragonHeart sequel, so the whole thing was pointless.Not only that, the CGI somehow GOT FUCKING WORSE. This film was a competent Fantasy-Adventure 'B' movie containing a cheesy-fun mixture of dragons, sword fights, and martial arts. Suggestion: Use Movies so good (at least at some point in my life I thought they'd be that good) I've watched them…A listing of every film that can be completed as part of a Letterboxd Collection.Sword and Sorcery / Medieval / Swords and Sandals / High Fantasy / RPG / Pen & Paper inspiration. The dragon farts fire. Check out our review of Dragonheart: A New Beginning - is it any good and how suitable is it for kids?

Somehow we dip into borderline racism? Together, they soon face challenges that turn them into heroes.

Re-using footage from the original Dragonheart for new scenes?

Why not DRAGONHEART 2: A NEW BEGINNING? The story isn't much to write about but the ending was a twist which you could barely see coming, maybe not a good one, but good enough.While the first Dragonheart film was boring but well made enough to have a cult following, this straight to DVD sequel brings on a whole new level of boring. Comment suggestions…Every film Simon Samuel Sung has rated 1/2 stars on Letterboxd. He looks like a PsOne Spyro the Dragon character. Adventure rules in Dragonheart: A New Beginning, a thrilling epic follow-up to the original hit film, Dragonheart.

Also, I know I'm asking a lot here, but the original Not to anger the die hard DRAGONHEART fans out there, but I'm a little baffled by the hatred thrown at this movie. They kept the…I last watched this 5 years ago, when it was only available in 4:3 SD. He meets and befriends the last dragon with promises of going on great adventures, but its actually just standing around and saying cringey dialogue.The villain is also very stock as he just simply wants to rule the world or whatever.

Really bad. Besides the CG and green screen, nothing about it is outright terrible.

This film kept me entertained from beginning to end - what a film is suppose to do! Starring: Chris Masterson, Robby Benson. I recommend this movie as a rental and commend Universal for the bonus materials, while chiding them for releasing this title with a poor visual transfer.This movie was directed by Doug Lefler, who manages to create a not terrible movie given his resources. This disc also includes a French 2.0 surround track and closed captioning.This one didn’t make the Collector’s Edition cut, but it does come packed with a nice array of bonus materials. Even though I liked the movie I can’t recommend the disc as a purchase as I don’t believe replay value is that high. No where near on par with the first film, I still enjoyed it. You ruined the first film for a fart joke.I swear, I paid attention, and I still couldn't tell you what the hell this movie is about. You’ll find the usual talent files, production notes, and trailer in the special features area, but you’ll also find more goodies. The colors seem natural and bright though, which is a plus.

As if that wasn’t bad enough, the contrast seems to vary greatly from solid to overly dark which is also very distracting. Oh and I almost forgot: there’s dragon fart jokes....glorious isn’t it?Ngl the Asians were the best part of this and I love how they can elbow solid steel and not hurt themselves.The first movie was generic swords and sorcery and was better for it. Updates frequently.My favourite movie dragons (or "Dragon-Like" creatuers) ranked from best to worst.WORK IN PROGRESS UPDATE: Finished A-L on 3/17/2019. Upon discovering there are four DragonHeart sequels, TV-VCR will be reviewing one a day across the next five business days. Ich hätte den als Kind wahrscheinlich auf unironische Art und Weise gut gefunden.This one is bad. Undoing the whole "he had to kill the last dragon" thing in the first film with the old "there was a secret egg all along" is just some brainless studio exec bullshit. Chris Masterson (Singles, American History X) gives a solid turn as Geoff but won’t win many awards, since the role doesn’t call for much depth or range. Are you ready…Watchlist of movies that only you and your best friends might appreciate. I had read some bad reviews before I sat down to watch the disc, so perhaps that had me expecting something on the verge of cinematic trash. It sure looks like they used some of the same costumes and sets, to be sure. When Geoff, an orphaned stable boy (Chris Masterson), discovers Drake (voice of Robby Benson), the world's last living dragon, he realizes that his dream of becoming a knight in shining armor can now come true.

Not only is it entirely unnecessary, it actually undoes the entire story of the first film. Meanwhile, peasant revolts against a tyrant king are ruthlessly quashed. The voice of Drake is supplied by Robbie Benson, who is perhaps best known for being the voice of Beast in Disney’s Beauty and the Beast.

It's now been released on BD so I thought I could give it one more chance, but it turns out a dragon farting fire is just as bad in HD as in SD.

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