7 months ago Yeah, as far as I know the Bible Belt is just the places where the SGP get more votes than they normally do... but even in most places within the bible belt that still only translates to a small minority of votes.

Besides the traditional Protestant church, there is also a strict Reformed Protestant Church, formed in the 19th century, and a growing evangelical movement. Bible Belt. “Our base has always traditionally been in the Bible Belt, but recently it has broadened and we are gaining in the big cities and the Catholic south,” said CU Director Henk van Rhee. "Previously it had a lot to do with deeply religious motives, and I respect that. Staphorst in the Netherlands is the heartland of Dutch Calvinists. Not all the party’s new supporters will find common ground. We use cookies to improve our service for you. According to official figures 41 percent of Dutch have no religion, 30 percent are Catholic, 12 percent Protestant, 6 percent Reformed Protestant and 6 percent are Muslim. Their principles have barely changed in centuries. “The Netherlands has opted for nostalgia for the past ... for small-minded bourgeois suspicion, and national pride,” he added. This includes cities like Tholen , Staphorst and Elburg . Many Bible Belters have poor diets (e.g., "I'm a meat and potatoes man") and rarely exercise. The content is provided for information purposes only. We are a fresh, modern, realistic, though orthodox Christian party.” Having courted the Christian immigrant vote, the CU also has more unexpected sources of potential support. "People have to make their own choices based on the correct information—something like that must never be forced because people will resist," he said.In Urk, doctors are advising pregnant women, local authorities have held information evenings for parents, and they have distributed a newsletter with interviews left disabled by polio before the government introduced vaccinations. "Urk is only 80 kilometres (50 miles) from Amsterdam but culturally it is far more distant from the liberal capital, where prostitution is legal and cannabis is sold openly.Seventy years ago Urk was still an island, before being joined to the Dutch mainland by a huge land reclamation project. Mencken in 1925 when he was reporting on the Scopes Monkey Trial which took place in Dayton, Tennessee. Hence many would be surprised to know the Netherlands still has a Protestant Bible Belt. The Netherlands, best known abroad for its liberal policies on sex, drugs and homosexuality, is also home to a Protestant “Bible Belt” mapped out by villages such as Staphorst. They say God is in charge and 'He will save me when I get ill'.

The province Noord Brabant is not a … Their principles have barely changed in centuries. “There is a sense that these values continued to flourish in the countryside whereas they vanished in the city.” In Staphorst, where the council is dominated by the CU and an even more orthodox Protestant party, the SGP, the well-kept thatched houses, bright-green doors, and austere mood are seen as the epitome of a rural Dutch settlement. Get weekly and/or daily updates delivered to your inbox. Between 10 and 15% of people globally are left-handed, and they face special challenges in their day-to-day lives — even in Germany. But I think it's a personal thing for everybody," said Yvonne Verbaan, 44. “Permissive society is over. https://www.dw.com/en/the-netherlands-life-in-the-bible-belt/av-16329239 We do not guarantee individual replies due to extremely high volume of correspondence. "In 2013 and previously, the disease occurred more often on Urk.

International Left Handers' Day is celebrated on August 13. This document is subject to copyright. ""The reverends and the preachers from the churches that are against it, they don't preach it, they leave it to the people themselves. The Bijbelgordel, or Refoband, is the Dutch Bible belt.

It roughly cuts a swathe across the centre of the Netherlands, beginning in Overijssel and ending in Zeeland. Last November’s election — which has only just yielded a new government after weeks of coalition talks — saw a surge in support for the far left and the far right, as well as for the CU at the expense of the familiar centrist parties. “People gave me funny looks when I first said I was moving to Staphorst — as an outsider you probably think that time has stood still here,” said Eelke Lap, a local undertaker who brought his family to the village seven years ago. The Netherlands, best known abroad for its liberal policies on sex, drugs and homosexuality, is also home to a Protestant “Bible Belt” mapped out by villages such as Staphorst. This site uses cookies to assist with navigation, analyse your use of our services, and provide content from third parties. If the party shed some policies such as opposition to gay marriage, it could easily double its representation, taking seats from Labour and the Christian Democrats, he said. Located in the conservative Protestant "Bible Belt" of the Netherlands, Urk suffered a measles outbreak in June because of low vaccination rates. Bible Belt Netherlands.

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